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Getting Aligned. How Adopting Standards Affects...
This 25-page report, commissioned by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and produced by the Conference Board of Canada, clarifies and confirms the essential role that standards play in Canada’s economic growth and labour...
A Breath of Fresh Air: How updating indoor air...
This report details the significant cost of poor indoor air quality. Regulators reference air quality standards in regulations to safeguard employees. However, this research demonstrates the benefits that can be realized from...
Standards to Support Climate Resilience in Infrastructure...
Ensuring Canada's infrastructure is climate-resilient Interim Report 2016-2019 In the 2016 federal budget, SCC received $11.7 million over five years to support the Government of Canada’s climate change agenda. Through the...
Future by design: standards for a climate resilient...
Final Report of the 2016-2021 Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program Our buildings and infrastructure are designed with weather in mind. We expect our homes to protect us from heavy snow, our stormwater...
PIEVC Meta Analysis - Volume 3: The role of codes...
To achieve the intended long-term performance of infrastructure assets, the professionals who plan, design, build, operate, and maintain them need to integrate climate change adaptation considerations into workflows and...
Requirements and Guidance – Accreditation of ...
This document specifies the requirements and guidance for the accreditation of Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). For the purposes of expediency, the acronym R&G – SDO Accreditation will be used. The SDO...
Bridging the Standards Divide: Modernizing Standards...
This report analyzes and compiles CATRTA beneficiary countries’ needs in the areas of standards, conformity assessment and technical barriers to trade (TBT), identified during the CIDA funded workshop/roundtable held from May...
Using Climate Information in Standards Development
Technical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian StandardsTechnical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian...
Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation...
The long-term impacts of climate change are expected to intensify in the future. With Canada’s average temperature warming at twice the global rate, recognizing impacts like the increasing occurrence of extreme weather...
Designing Resilient Communities: Protecting people...
Canadian communities are on the frontline of climate change. Without action, future costs from flooding events in Canada alone could reach $13.6 billion (CAD) 1 annually by the end of the century. And the costs are not only...
The Canadian Smart Grid Standards Roadmap
The goal of this document is to provide a roadmap—a strategic plan—to advance the standards environment from today’s legacy electricity grid to tomorrow’s full deployment, operation and evolution of the Canadian Smart Grid...